Offices in the authority

Jakob Hald

Tine Rønde

Jacob Schaumburg-Müller

Jesper Gregers Linaa
Administrations Office (ADM)

Bjarne Bach Østergaard
Financial management
Management information
It and security
Service and purchase
Web development, analysis and statistics
Office of the Management (DS)

Flemming Steen Nielsen
Operation of the management including arrangement of meetings, seminars etc.
Coordination and quality assurance of Ministry service
EU-coordination for the authority
Strategic projects and project coordination
Development of HR and organization
Internal courses in servicing the Ministry and project management
Communication Division (KOM)

Hanne Arentoft
Press handling
Internal communication and intranet maintenance
Informing consumers, businesses and authorities on consumer and competition matters
Managing the authority’s social media presence
Supervising the authority’s communication, presentations, language, design etc.
Editing, producing and coordinating content for online channels
Public Procurement Division (OK)

Kenneth Skov Jensen
Proposal of bills and issue of rules regarding public procurement
Analyses and policy proposals on public procurement
Information and guidance on public procurement rules
Operation of online portal for public procurement
International cooperation on public procurement
Consumer Policy Division (FORCE)

Flemming Steen Nielsen
Contribution to the innovation of projects and policy initiatives
Strengthening our work on evidence-based policy development, eg through experiments
Developing policy and legislative proposals as well as issue of rules on consumer relations
Servicing Ministry, Department and Parliament on concrete inquiries
Supervising international assignments on consumer-related issues
Consumer Policy Division (FORCE)

Susanne Aamann
Contribution to the innovation of projects and policy initiatives
Strengthening our work on evidence-based policy development, eg through experiments
Developing policy and legislative proposals as well as issue of rules on consumer relations
Servicing Ministry, Department and Parliament on concrete inquiries
Supervising international assignments on consumer-related issues
The Danish Natural Hazards Council
European Consumer Center Denmark (FORCE)

Lars Arent
Inform Danish consumers about EU consumer rights and ADRs.
Assist Danish consumers with handling their complaints.
Communicate about EU consumer rights and develop campaigns and events.
Cooperate with the European Commission and national enforcement bodies.
Contribute to the development of ADR and cooperate with Danish ADR entities.
Cooperate with consumer and business organisations and other stakeholders within the consumer area.
Head of the Secretariat for the Appeals Board for the Energy Sector.
Consumer Europe is part of the Consumer Policy Division
Market Analysis and Economics Division (MØK)

Niels Enemærke
Analyses on competition and consumer issues
Market analyses
Financial quality assurance, sparring and providing guidance on competition matters
Financial method development
Maintaining financial knowledge across the authority
Chief economist working group
Legal and Investigations Division (KEP)

Katrine Lapp
Preparing, proposing and issuing rules and bills on competition matters
General guidance and prevention on competition matters
Guidance on the public administration and public records rules
Planning and coordinating investigations
Juridical sparring and peer review in competition cases
Penalty cases and appeals
Cooperation with the State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime
International cooperation
Legal and Investigations Division (KEP)

Stefan Kobbernagel
Preparing, proposing and issuing rules and bills on competition matters
General guidance and prevention on competition matters
Guidance on the public administration and public records rules
Planning and coordinating investigations
Juridical sparring and peer review in competition cases
Penalty cases and appeals
Cooperation with the State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime
International cooperation
Media and Mergers Division (MTF)

Ann Sofie Vrang
Enforcement of merger rules across all businesses. Enforcement of competition rules, market monitoring and servicing the Competition Council, Ministry and providing response on hearing requests regarding the following industries:
Entertainment and culture
Publishing houses
Construction, Energy, Transportation and Services Division (BETS)

Jens Gormsen
Enforcement of competition rules, market monitoring and servicing the Competition Council, Ministry and providing response on hearing requests regarding the following industries:
Building and construction
Section 11b of the Competition Act regarding free choice
Construction, Energy, Transportation and Services Division (BETS)

Ann-Kathrine Ejsing
Enforcement of competition rules, market monitoring and servicing the Competition Council, Ministry and providing response on hearing requests regarding the following industries:
Building and construction
Section 11b of the Competition Act regarding free choice
Tech Division (TECH)

Michael Christian Høg Riis
Tasks in relation to digital platforms:
Enforcement of competition rules in relation to digital platforms
Competition analyses of digital platforms
Initiatives targeted Danish companies and other stakeholders
Analyses on big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithms and their use
Enforcement of rules that address fairness and transparency for businesses in platform-to-business relations (P2B law)
Enforcement of competition rules and payment services rules.
Market monitoring and servicing the Competition Council, Ministry and providing response on hearing requests regarding the following industries:
Payment services
Water Division (VAND)

Anne Marie Elmer
Setting price ceilings and economic limits for Danish water companies
Benchmarking and setting requirements for water companies
Supervision on compliance of the economic limits
Handling complaints in relation to economic limits
Handling municipal reporting in accordance with water supply rules
Water Division (VAND)

Cecilie Højgaard Kjeldsen
Setting price ceilings and economic limits for Danish water companies
Benchmarking and setting requirements for water companies
Supervision on compliance of the economic limits
Handling complaints in relation to economic limits
Handling municipal reporting in accordance with water supply rules
Office of the Consumer Ombudsman (FO)

Jacob Linkis
Authority for compliance with the Danish Marketing Practises Act and other consumer protection legislation
Concrete marketing cases, projects etc.
Negotiation of guidelines and guidances
Carrying criminal proceedings and conducting civil lawsuit in courts
International cooperation on consumer protection enforcement
Office of the Consumer Ombudsman (FO)

Karen Søndergaard
Authority for compliance with the Danish Marketing Practises Act and other consumer protection legislation
Concrete marketing cases, projects etc.
Negotiation of guidelines and guidances
Carrying criminal proceedings and conducting civil lawsuit in courts
International cooperation on consumer protection enforcement
Office of the Consumer Ombudsman (FO)

Andreas Weidemann
Authority for compliance with the Danish Marketing Practises Act and other consumer protection legislation
Concrete marketing cases, projects etc.
Negotiation of guidelines and guidances
Carrying criminal proceedings and conducting civil lawsuit in courts
International cooperation on consumer protection enforcement
Group HR

Catharina Winterberg
We are servicing more than 2000 employees and managers in the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and its seven authorities. Eg. in relation to recruitment, organizational development, administration of personnel, law etc.
Retail, Industry, Primary Sector and Health Division (DIPS)

Head of Division Mie la Cour Sonne
The enforcement of competition law, market monitoring, and secretariat services for the Competition Council, ministerial services, and the preparation of consultation responses in the area of competition concerning the following sectors:
Health and the Medical Industry
Retail (grocery trade, specialty retail, etc.)