
Danish producer of interior design brands fined for infringing competition rules

The Danish Competition Council has issued a fine of DKK 7.500.000 at Rosendahl Design Group for infringing the Danish Competition Act. Rosendahl has restricted passive sales by their retailers of design products such as Kay Bojesen figures and Kähler vases. Additionally, Rosendahl in some instances infringed the prohibition in the Danish Competition Act and the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union on resale price maintenance.

Rosendahl Design Group has accepted to pay a fine of DKK 7.500.000 for infringing the prohibition on restricting passive sales and on resale price maintenance.

Rosendahl has entered into agreements with their retailers, which restricted the retailers’ ability to sell Rosendahl products to other retailers. Furthermore, Rosendahl has agreed on resale price maintenance with certain retailers, in order to maintain a certain price level. The unlawful behavior took place in the period from 2017 to the end of 2021.