
Producer of baby and children’s equipment fined DKK 8.000.000 for retail price maintenance

HTS Besafe, a company producing footmuffs under the brand “Voksi” and car seats for babies and children, has entered into a settlement with the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority and accepted to pay a fine of DKK 8.000.000 (€ 1.076) for infringing the Danish Competition Act by resale price maintenance for a period longer than five years.

The company ‘HTS Besafe, filial af HTS Besafe AS, Norge’ has admitted to have infringed the Danish Competition Act and pays a fine of DKK 8.000.000. (€ 1.076).

In the period from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2020, HTS Besafe has entered into agreements with several of its retailers regarding retail price maintenance on some of the company’s products. For instance, the retailers did not have the opportunity to sell some car seats and some footmuffs with a discount. Moreover, HTS Besafe limited the online sale on some of the products on some of the retailer’s web shops.

The fine is issued by The Danish Competition Council, and the size of the fine is determined based on the gravity and the duration of the infringement as well as the size of the group turnover. Furthermore, it has been taken into account as a mitigating circumstance that HTS Besafe has implemented a compliance program and that the company has contributed to investigating the case.

For further information, please contact head of communications at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, Hanne Arentoft, on telephone +45 41 71 50 98