
Time limits for merger control are suspended for 14 days

The Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs has issued an order implying that the time limits for merger control are suspended for 14 days.

When companies wish to implement a larger merger, the Competition and Consumer Agency must review that the merger will not significantly impede competition to the detriment of competitors and consumers. The agency has a statutory period to approve or prohibit the merger.

As a result of the measures that have been necessary to prevent and curb the spread of covid-19, the time limits for the Danish Competition and Consumer Agency to process a merger are extraordinarily suspended for 14 days. Specifically this concerns the time limits in section 12 d (1-5) in the Danish Competition Act. After the 14 days have passed, it will be assessed whether the time limits must be suspended further.

The suspension on the time limits enters into force from today, Wednesday, March 18.

The Competition and Consumer Agency encourages companies wishing to merge to contact the Agency well in advance. In addition, the Agency will of course work to ensure that the normal deadlines are met as far as possible.