
Denmark: Construction company pays fine in settlement for bid rigging

On 11 January 2018, the construction company Troels Jørgensen A/S entered into a settlement with a competitor for infringing section 6 of the Danish Competition Act. The company accepted to pay a fine of DKK 3,200,000 (€ 429,500).

The infringement concerned one case of bid rigging in 2013 in which the company exchanged information on prices with a competitor. The competitor is bankrupted and is therefore not part of the case.

The bid rigging related to a tender from Lolland Forsyning concerning the renovation of a wastewater treatment plant in the Danish town Holeby.

The size of the fine reflects that the extent of the damage related to the bid rigging was sought averted by the parties and that the parties have cooperated with the authorities.

One member of the management of Troels Jørgensen A/S and one member of the management of the competitor accepted to pay fines of each DKK 100,000 (€ 13,423).