
Last fine for cartel co-operation within the business concept Nye Visioner

The case regarding cartel co-operation within the business concept Nye Visioner is now concluded. The company Nye Visioner v/Susanne Christtreu has accepted fine for having infringed the competition law by entering into agreements on pricing and sharing of customers within Nye Visioner. The fine is the 13rd and last one issued by the Danish Competition Council in the case complex.

Nye Visioner v/Susanne Christtreu has admitted to having infringed the competition law’s prohibition against anti-competitive agreements. The company has participated in agreements on pricing and sharing of customers within the business concept Nye Visioner. The infringement occurred between October 28th 2019 and April 25th 2021. Nye Visioner v/Susanne Christtreu has agreed to pay a fine of 2.500 DKK for the infringement.

With this fine, the case complex on the cartel co-operation within the business concept Nye Visioner has been concluded. 12 other companies have previously admitted to having entering into illegal agreements on pricing and sharing of customers within the business concept Nye Visioner. They have each been fined up to 90.000 DKK for their infringements. All fines in the case are limited by the fact that the fines may not exceed 10 pct. of the turnover of each undertaking in the preceding business year.

Nye Visioner offers courses within personal planning and efficiency, meeting management, stress prevention and management training. In return for a commission, the founder of Nye Visioner makes the concept available to a number of companies that then become partners in Nye Visioner.

For further information

Contact Head of Communications at the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority, Hanne Arentoft, on + 45 41 71 50 98.